About the Journal

Baqai Journal of Health Sciences (BJHS) is an official organ of Baqai Medical University (BMU). It provides an opportunity to the numbers of various faculties inside and outside the University to publish the outcome of their research activities for the benefit of the scientific community at large within and outside the country.

BJHS is a biannual journal and its first issue was published in 1998. The journal was initially named after the Baqai Medical University and was catering the needs of the university faculties. As the domain of the university expanded and many new institutes have been added, it was felt that the name falls short of the general requirement of the university. It was therefore found necessary that the name should be modified into a more versatile one, which might include a wide range of medical and allied disciplines such as pharmaceutical sciences, nursing, and physical therapy among others. Therefore the name renamed as "Baqai Journal of Health Sciences (Baqai J Health Sci OR BJHS)", to incorporate a wide range of disciplines. The fourteen volumes of the journal from 1998 – 2011 were published under the name of 'The Journal of Baqai Medical University'. Afterward, the name 'Baqai Journal of Health Sciences' has taken over from the fifteenth volume in 2012.