About the Journal

The Baqai Journal of Health Sciences (formerly, The Journal of the Baqai Medical University) is en route to improvement of its standard and quality. Baqai Journal of Health Sciences (BJHS) is a biannual journal and is being published since 1998. A complete archive of the previous issues can be found on our website. All articles are published on Open Access Policy and are free to download in the pdf format. The journal is internationally indexed / abstracted.

BJHS welcomes articles (original research articles, review articles, mini-reviews, short communications, case reports, letter to the editor, commentary, book reviews) on any aspect related to medicine, dentistry, pharmaceutical sciences, veterinary sciences, and all other related disciplines of health sciences for its upcoming issue. Kindly refer to the instruction to authors for preparation of the manuscript.

Current Issue

Vol. 25 No. 01 (2024): Baqai Journal of Health Sciences Jan-June
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